The James Madison Academy for Educational Freedom is a parent lead, faith based, home schooling support group which offers a wide variety of classes through a “hybrid” drop off co-op program, family oriented field trips and events, home schooling support meetings, and fellowship with likeminded believers in Christ. The Academy was originated by local parents whom were determined to find an alternative educational choice for their children that would provide a classical American educational experience with a Christian foundation. Students are free to interact, socialize and play in a safe, supportive environment so they can reach their fullest potential. The Academy was founded on a core conservative philosophy with a fundamental belief in freedom, as guaranteed by the US Constitution, guided by traditional Christian teachings and values. Our ultimate goal is to assist and support our member families in their pursuits towards home schooling excellence. We believe every family has the legal and constitutional right to home educate in NYS.
JMA 's purpose is to provide extracurricular and supplemental activies to our membership in support of their homeschool efforts. As a JMA member, you can resgiter your children for our 2 full day programs (currently Tuesday & Thursday), ROYALS athletics (offering competitive soccer, volleyball and basektball for both boys and girls), social progams, TEENPACT, high school courses, parent support meetings, academic fairs and so much more!
If you are interested in becoming a JMA member, feel free to email us at i[email protected] for more information. Membership is $30 per year. When you are ready to join, simply click "Join" above to fill out an application.
Core Values - “Scientia Virtus et Libertas”
Knowledge: We believe that the pursuit of knowledge is never-ending and we set the foundation for students to be lifelong learners.
Virtue: We believe knowledge alone does not make a good citizen. The shaping of a student’s heart is more important than the shaping of their mind.
Liberty: We believe that liberty is necessary for citizens to live and participate in a free and just republic.
The James Madison Academy is a chapter of NYS LEAH. (Homeschool NY). Homeschool New York is a Christian organization, the members of which are like-minded Christian home education support groups made up of families dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4. Thye promote home education as the Scriptural design for education whereas institutional education is alternative to the home.They believe that every family has the God-given legal and constitutional right to home educate in New York State, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation.
Homeschool New York is not a church nor is this organization meant to replace the ministry of the local church to the home education family. For more information, on NYS LEAH (Homeschool NY), click here.
Thank you
Thank you to our sponsors!